Hermès Constance is a really fun bag to own. And I don’t know if you know this, but I’ve loved every single thing about this bag since I first saw it.
Furthermore, Hermès bags have a name of their own. Ever since the brand began creating luxury handbags, everyone has been looking for the ideal Hermès bag and has become a huge fad. Everyone wants a Hermès bag and is willing to pay the hefty prices.
But there’s a reason for all this and that is the timeless design, quality, and durability. Hermès bags are perfect for both formal and casual occasions, and are just as classy as they look. Here’s one fact: Hermès bags have one of the highest resale values (check out the latest Hermès bags 2024 price here) and when you purchase a Hermès bag, you’re purchasing a piece of history. You could probably sell your first Hermès bag for about $4,000. So when you think about it, that’s a pretty good investment.
So, what do you think the price of this bag will be now? Well, that is a good question, because I don’t think anyone knows the exact price that it will be going for in the future. It all depends on how the market goes and how the economy is, and in all likelihood, we are still years away from the Hermès Constance price tag going down.
So, let’s take a look at the Hermès Constance price 2024 for USA & Europe, and get an idea of what you might expect!
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Table of Contents
Hermès Constance Pricing Factors You Need To Know Before Shopping Online!
Hermès Constance Bag Sizes
The Hermès Constance bags are available in four different sizes.
a) Hermes Constance Mini/14cm
b) Hermes Constance Micro/18cm
c) Hermes Constance 24
d) Hermes Constance Elan (25cm)
e) Hermes Constance Cartable (29cm)
Hermès Constance range of bags has become increasingly scarce over recent years. Some speculate that this is because the brand is in the process of discontinuing the Constance Micro and Constance Elan bags, due to increasing scarcity of their designs.
If this is indeed the case, the Constance 18 and Constance 24 are likely to be the most common sizes purchased after the discontinuation.
Hermès Constance 18
When you take a look at the Constance 18 or known as the Mini, it will certainly be a good idea to think about whether this is the perfect bag for you.
Compact bags have been on the market for some time. However, this is one of the smallest one I’ve ever seen. Measuring around 7 x 5.5 inches, it makes it perfect for those who are looking for a small and versatile bag.
Hermès Constance 24
The Constance 24 is a classic messenger bag that features a modern update. The bag measures 24x15cm, making it ideal for storing essential items such as books, notebooks, and pens.
Hermès Constance’s Craftsmanship
For many, Hermès’ most memorable design element is the iconic H-clasp. H clasps can be gold, palladium, enamel, or diamond-encircled, depending on the type of clasp you choose. This is one of the few bags offered by Hermès with rose-gold hardware as a customisation option.
A large number of bags are lined in leather or canvas. But Constance is one of the very few that feature lambskin.
And that’s not all: underneath its flap, the bag features one or two compartments and two slip pockets. This bag is praised for its day-to-night versatility. It is so versatile that people will sometimes refer to it as “day-night” because of how versatile it is.
Hermès Constance’s Material
The Constance is constructed with different types of leathers, which were selected to reflect the tradition and character of Hermès.
The most widely available types of leather include: Epsom leather, box leather, and Evercolor leather. All of these leathers were chosen because they reflect the iconic Hermès name.
Epsom leather is a highly durable, very resilient leather that is treated in a way that limits the appearance of scratches on the bag. During the stage of processing, the leather’s grain is pressed down so the appearance of it becomes more structured.
Moving on to box leather. So, the very first version of the Constance bag was crafted from box leather. This is not just any box leather either; it’s the original, vintage Hermès box leather, which is synonymous with the Hermès brand. Indeed, this particular type of leather is used in the craft stores to make Hermès handbags.
Although it is rarely used by Hermès today, it is still a prized material because it can hold up well to wear and tear and will retain the colors of the pieces of fabric used to construct it.
When it comes to leather, Evercolor is probably the most new and up-and-coming type. At first, it was reserved only for small leather items like gloves, shoes, and handbags. However, Evercolor has slowly made its way into the Hermès leather range, becoming a prominent part of the collection.
It is known for its firm texture and matte finish and is used for a number of different materials. Of course, the most common is Constance 18 which is an Evercolor material. If you’re looking for a vibrant and affordable Constance 18 handbag, you will want to pick an Evercolor bag.
Another interesting point about the Constance is that, other types of leather can also be used, but they are much more expensive. For example, crocodile, lizard, or ostrich skin. These materials are so scarce and rare that they are much more expensive to purchase than other types of common leathers.
Hermès Constance Price 2024: Hermès Constance 18 USA & Europe
Hermès Constance Price 2024: Hermès Constance 24 USA & Europe
Hermès Constance Price : Resale Value
The Constance collection is an excellent example of the Hermès commitment to quality. There is very little difference between the Constance and the other Hermès handbags at resale. The only difference between the Constance and the other bags in the Hermès line is the price tag and its highest value for resale.
At the time of writing, the highest resale value of any bag in the holy trinity is the Constance, with 105% of its purchase price. The Kelly comes in second, with 92% of its purchase price, and the Birkin ranks third with 80% of its purchase price.
For an example, a rare edition like Constance 14 – also known as the Constance Micro – will have a hard time finding a buyer, particularly if you look to resell it. Once found, though, you’ll likely be left with a hefty amount of money. Furthermore, these bags often sell immediately and at a premium price. This makes them especially valuable for collectors.
Conclusion On Hermès Constance Price 2024
This was all about the new price range of the Constance handbags by Hermès and what you can expect from them. So what is the Hermès Constance price going to be for next year? Stay tune!